Dozens of artisanal fishers took to the streets across Chile against the environmentally harmful Dominga mine and the lack of benefits provided to them, demanding bonuses and subsidies for small fishing operations that are already provided to large corporations in the same sector.
Hundreds returned to the streets of Chile in support of political prisoners of the 2019 uprising as well as in opposition to the open-pit Dominga Mine in the Coquimbo region, near the extremely biodiverse ecosystem of the Humboldt Archipelago off the coast.
Hundreds of protesters across Chile marched against the approval of the new open-pit Dominga mine, which threatens the ecosystem of the Humboldt Archipelago, one of the most biodiverse in the world. After it was approved, widespread clashes occurred, centered around La Serena, the capital of the Coquimbo region in which the mine was being built.
Hundreds of Cypriots took to the streets of Nicosia in opposition to corruption plaguing the government of the Greek part of Cyprus, which many say plagues the issue of protecting the environment and reuniting under a federal government with the northern Turkish government.
Thousands of students in Paris marched to demand a right to the future, criticizing the terrible management of education during the COVID pandemic in France and the older generations' failure to deal with climate change which will cause massive damage to the future of humanity.
Police brutally assaulted a demonstration in Nicosia against corruption, in which protesters had begun a march with the aim of bringing light to the human rights abuses committed by the government of Cyprus in the name of containing the coronavirus, which has escalated normally tame protests in the divided island nation.
Hundreds of protesters gathered at the town hall of the Exarcheia borough of Athens, demanding the halting of the plan to privatize and clear the Strefi hill public space to create a commercial center. Despite a heavy buildup of police forces at the site, no arrests were made and protesters successfully shut down the area.
Barricades were placed and burned by protesters in La Ligua on the Northern Route 5 road against the "Doña Carmen" energy project put forward by the Chilean IMELSA corporation, with the aim of installing a power plant in the town of Quebradilla.
Dozens of protesters gathered at the La Serena Regional Administration Office in defense of the water sources of the Elqui, Limarí and Choapa provinces under threat of privatization, also demanding the release of all political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising.
Protesters gathered in the central Greek city of Volos on the 6-month anniversary of the death of Vasilis Maggos, a 27-year-old who was mysteriously found dead one month after being brutally beaten by police at an environmentalist demonstration against burning trash. Vasilis had been left with many ribs broken until he was close to dying from asphyxiation and dehydration; police then took him to a freezer and gave him water drop by drop.
Hundreds of protesters gathered at the SERVEL (Electoral Service Office of Chile) in Santiago to demand the end of the revived TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), release of all political prisoners, and demanding that independent candidates with no party affiliation be the makers of the new Constitution of Chile. Confrontations occurred between demonstrators and a conservative politician, who unsuccessfully tried to drive through the crowd.
Hundreds of protesters gathered for a People's March near the Minnesota governor's mansion in St. Paul, demanding “Cash not covid”, “Community not cops”, “People not pipelines”, and “Politics without Proud Boys”. Several signs were seen demanding justice for Dolal Idd, as well as in opposition to the Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline.
Protesters mobilized in the region of Coquimbo at the Elqui Valley in defense of the flow of the Río Claro, demanding that plans to develop the region and develop power plants be overturned for the sake of the area’s environment.
Dozens of Chilean environmentalists gathered in Concepción to demand the defense of the wetlands in the south-central Biobío region, as well as in opposition to the attempted revival of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). We demand tomorrow!
Chilean protesters in Longotoma at the Ruta 5 Norte of La Ligua barricaded roads in response to the Ministry of the Environment withdrawing the Supreme Decree that placed the Salinas de Pullaly wetland and Longotoma dunes as a nature sanctuary. This would allow businesses to destroy and pollute the habitat of thousands of species.