Dozens of anarchists and protesters in Antofagasta took to the streets, blocking roads and burning barricades in solidarity with prisoners of the Mapuche struggle for land autonomy and the revolt in Chile that began on the 18th of October in 2019 against neoliberalism and police violence.
Anarchists in Antofagasta took to the streets, blocking roads and burning barricades in solidarity with the political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising in Chile, demanding a general pardon and the immediate release of all those convicted during the social revolt of 2019 and the indigenous Mapuche struggle for sovereignty and autonomy.
Protesters in Antofagasta took to the streets, burning barricades and blocking roads in a round of demonstrations in support of prisoners of the revolt in Chile, demanding the immediate release and a general pardon for all convictions made with the 18th of October Uprising.
Hundreds of protesters in Santiago returned to the streets in a round of mobilization in support of prisoners of the uprising in Chile, demanding an immediate general pardon and release of all those convicted of resisting state power during the revolt of October 18th, 2019. Police repressed the demonstration with tear gas and water cannons, resulting in widespread clashes around Plaza Dignidad.
Hundreds of protesters in Valparaiso marched on the National Congress of Chile while president Sebastián Piñera gave a State of the Nation address, demanding his immediate resignation and the release of all political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising. Police repressed the demonstration, leading to widespread clashes and police violence throughout the day.
Protesters across Santiago took to the streets in support of prisoners of the uprising in Chile, demanding their release, as well as in opposition to the neoliberal presidency of Sebastian Piñera as he delivered a State of the Nation address at the National Congress. Police attacked the protesters, forcing them to disperse and reassemble in other areas.
Dozens of protesters in Antofagasta took to the streets, placing flaming barricades and blocking roads in opposition to the rule of neoliberal president Sebastián Piñera, as well as to demand the release of all prisoners of the 18th of October uprising in Chile.
Hundreds of protesters in Santiago took to the streets in support of political prisoners of the uprising in Chile, beginning on the 18th of October in 2019. Demonstrators demanded the immediate release of all prisoners of the social unrest and demanded a general pardon to clear their charges.
Hundreds of protesters in Santiago took to the streets in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and in solidarity with Chilean political prisoners convicted during the uprising against neoliberalism and police violence. Police violently repressed the demonstration, implementing a blackout in the city center and using water cannons to attack the crowd.
Hundreds of marchers and cyclists in Santiago protested at various points of the capital city in solidarity with political prisoners of the uprising in Chile, demanding an immediate general pardon for all convictions made against anarchists with relation to the uprising.
Dozens of protesters in Valparaíso took to the streets on International Workers' Day as part of a national strike in Chile, placing barricades, blocking roads, and burning tires in the Playa Ancha sector.
Dozens of protesters across the Chilean capital city of Santiago took to the streets on International Workers' Day, gathering at various sites, setting barricades alight, and confronting police who arrived to repress various demonstrations.
Hundreds of protesters in Santiago took to the streets in a general strike in opposition to the rule of Chile by neoliberal right-wing president Sebastian Piñera. Demonstrators gathered at various sites across the capital city, clashing with police who arrived to repress the gatherings.
Hundreds of protesters at various sites across Santiago took to the streets on the anniversary of the founding of the Carabineros, Chile's national police organization, demanding its immediate disbandment. Demonstrators set barricades on fire and blocked roads, clashing with Carabineros who arrived to clear them.
Dozens of protesters in Coquimbo took to the streets on the anniversary of the formation of the Carabineros, the national police agency of Chile. Demonstrators assembled in a rebuke of the organization, demanding its immediate dissolution. Carabineros arrived to suppress the protest after barricades were lit, arresting 6 people.