Protesters in Chile on the 16th took to the streets in anticipation of the anniversary of the 2019 protests that began on the next day, the 17th of October. Clashes occurred between protesters and police, with water cannons being used, but to no use against the tens of thousands that took to the streets in Santiago.
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Protesters across Poland, from Krakow to Gdansk, took to the streets against an abortion ban by the PiS (Law and Justice Party). The government has pulled back on the ban for all fetuses except those with Down Syndrome, which has helped calm the clashes but not the protests.
Italian anarchists in Turin protested with torches and fireworks at the Le Vallete prison, demanding the release of all prisoners and the […]
Thousands of Peruvian farmers returned to blockade the Panamerican highway, the most important transport of goods and trade across the country. Agricultural workers made the decision to renew the protest following the failure of Congress to reach an agreement to reform the sector and address concerns over insufficient pay.
Around 45 protesters in Lamia took to the streets in solidarity with the Koufontinas hunger strike, demanding the immediate satisfaction of the Greek revolutionary prisoner’s request to be returned to his old cell at the Korydallos prison in Athens.