Nationwide Vigil Honoring Those Killed by SARS in Nigeria Takes Place

Protesters took to the streets for the entire day across Nigeria, but remained after nightfall for a vigil in honor of those killed by SARS before and during the current protests. Demonstrators venerated at least 20 names this night, including many who were killed recently by live bullets during protests. Anonymous also participated, taking down the Central Bank website.

Anonymous Hacks Into Nigerian Central Bank Website

Around 3:41 EST, a tweet was published claiming that the Nigerian Central Bank website had been DDosed and taken offline. At 6:30 P.M., the website was visited by writers and verified to be taken offline while trying to recover from the cyberattack.



Abeokuta youth took to the streets before a vigil scheduled to take place later that day.


Protesters blocked the airport road and also blockaded the Abuja City Gate.


Protests in Awkuzu began today, being a smaller city that had insofar not experienced any major demonstrations.


Protesters in Lagos gathered in anticipation for the vigil that would happen in the city a few hours later.


Protesters occupied the area surrounding the Ikeja Airport.


Protesters took to the streets for the first time in Gwagwalada, directly southeast of the capital, Abuja, in anticipation for the vigil that would take place later that night.

Police Open Fire on Protesters in Jos

Police in Jos were photographed opening fire with live rounds against protesters, most of whom were unarmed and nonviolent.




Lekki Toll Gate

Port Harcourt

Protesters and mourners in Port Harcourt turned out in the thousands for the vigil dedicated to those killed by SARS and SWAT.

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