Protesters in Portland were first dispersed by the police after an unlawful assembly was declared, with a few protesters arrested and the demonstrators pushed down the road. A man was later seen pointing a gun at a member of the press, then exiting his car to yell ‘All Lives Matter!’ at the crowd. No one was harmed during the altercation.
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Hundreds of antifascists marched through Hamburg in protest against the trial of many arrested during the Anti-G20 riots in Rondenbarg in 2017, […]
Thousands of students gathered in Thessaloniki and marched against a new law which would restore police to university campuses across Greece for the first time since the fall of the military dictatorship. Clashes ensued after police deployed tear gas on protesters, with Molotov cocktails flying through the air and firebombs used against law enforcement. After finishing the march in spite of chemical weapons being used on protesters, the students returned for an afternoon march against state repression.
Anonymous, a group that was seen to be very present in the early stages of the George Floyd Uprising in the United States, has returned to attack the Colombian police’s websites, taking them down for hours, and in some instances, whole days. The websites of the Defense Ministry and the National Police were taken down.
Around 250 protesters in Zurich marched on International Women’s Day, against patriarchal violence and domination as well as in solidarity with the struggles of women worldwide against femicides and oppression.