Dozens of protesters in Athens marched on the American Embassy to Greece in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, a former member of N17 on hunger strike since the 8th of January demanding his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens, which would give him adequate medical care and the ability to see visitors.
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Protesters in Cleveland, Ohio, took to the streets on the 29th to protest the presidential debate that would be held later that day, and the handling that both presidential candidates have slipped on for months upon months since June.
Bikers in Santiago went through the downtown of the city, in honor of Americo Vespucio, a biker murdered by police earlier during the uprising. He died during the reflaring of the October Rebellion, alongside the 44 who had already been murdered.
Dozens of Afro-Colombians protested in Buenaventura against government incompetence after an armed gang occupied the vital port city, with killings and disappearances rampantly occurring, mostly dissidents against the cartel holding control of the region.
Around 400 protesters in Tripoli gathered to demand an increase in living conditions in the Sunni-majority region, the poorest in all of Lebanon with a large number of the population living below the UN poverty line. Escalations began outside of local Hezbollah headquarters, with the military attacking protesters who responded by lighting barricades and throwing rocks.