Protesters took to the streets again a week after the grand jury ruling of Breonna Taylor that ruled her killers innocent on the 23rd of September. The same protest groups remained on the streets for a week straight on end, with certain protests ending with police more violently reacting to the demonstrations.
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Dozens of protesters returned to the streets of Minneapolis for a 2nd day after the police murder of Winston Smith in his car by undercover US Marshals. Demonstrators blocked roads with cars until their tires were slashed by police and towed, after which the crowd burned a dumpster and 10-20 arrests were made.
Hundreds of protesters in Manchester returned to the streets for a 2nd time to demand the repeal of a law passed which would increase police powers and restrict the right for assembly and demonstration, which would set caps on noisemaking and many other restrictions on free speech.
Over 400 protesters in Berlin marched in solidarity with the Dimitris Koufontinas hunger strike, demanding the acceptance of the former 17N member’s request to return to his old cell in the Korydallos prison where he will once again be able to see his family.
Protesters in Portland turned out for a 133rd day, with demonstrators being in the dozens and chanting ‘Black Lives Matter!’ and ‘Fuck […]