Dozens of protesters in Tacoma gathered hours after the attempted murder of several spectators of street racing by a police officer in a cruiser, who had arrived to respond to a report of 1 person hit by a car doing donuts. Evidently, this was an inefficient practice as the police officer hit more than 8 people, and ran over one, causing nearly fatal injuries. 2 people were arrested by police at the demonstration for disorderly conduct.
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Hundreds of protesters in Liège gathered for a Black Lives Matter demonstration against racism perpetrated on African migrants in the country, which escalated into clashes with police who used water cannons and batons to attack the crowd which promptly began looting the area.
Protests across Greece occurred on the anniversary of the 1973 Athens Polytechnic Uprising, and police enacted a national crackdown, brutalizing many demonstrators and arresting hundreds to thousands.
Protesters in Larisa gathered in solidarity with the hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas, which began on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Athens Korydallos prison which would give him access to better medical care and the ability to see visitors.
Dozens of protesters returned to the ICE facility in Portland to demand the immigration agency’s abolition and the immediate naturalization of all undocumented immigrants in the United States. Unlike previous days, police did not attack the crowd with tear gas or chemical munitions and allowed participants to disperse peacefully.