Protesters in Seattle Barricade Roads and Stop Homeless Sweep at Cal Anderson

Anarchists and other direct action protesters gathered at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle to protect the homeless community there from being hit by a planned sweep, placing barricades and setting up food stands. Demonstrators first began by confronting the KOMO newscaster at the scene, much hated by the city’s leftist community for reporting in an extreme anti-protester fashion.

Hot sandwiches began to be passed around circa 7:30 A.M. to the homeless, as more people gathered to begin placing barricades and blockades to stop the sweep of the park from occurring. Many banners were placed, and many main roads were blocked.

Protesters then proceeded to occupy an abandoned and empty house at the 1106 Denny address in the northeast of Cal Anderson, until the sweep was called off, which it eventually was.

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