As the French government enacts new austerity measures in the midst of quarantine and the coronavirus pandemic, people turned out en masse to demonstrate these policies. Police responded with additional brutality, although they were rapidly pushed back by a crowd far larger than theirs.
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Dozens of protesters gathered in Athens for a demonstration in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, a former 17N member who went on hunger strike starting the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens. Police brutally attacked the protest, pepper-spraying participants point-blank, cornering and beating them.
Hundreds of protesters marched in the Plaza Brasil of Santiago demanding the release of political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising. Barricades were also placed in Puente Alto to shut down roads. Later in the day, a bikers’ march occurred demanding the resignation of Chilean President Sebastian Piñera and amnesty for all political prisoners.
Protesters in Enugu torched their local seat of government, hours before a military lockdown was enforced on the state. No protesters were […]
Dozens of protesters took to the streets for a 15th day of demonstrations in Elizabeth City to demand justice for Andrew Brown, an unarmed Black man killed by police officers with assault rifles. Police closely trailed the small demonstration, but no arrests occurred due to a lack of confrontations.