Demonstration Starts at Protesters’ Funeral & Protests Against Sexual Violence Erupt (9/13/2020)

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spaceCristian Andres Hurtado

Police have not killed anyone more since yesterday’s update, but ~50 more injuries have occurred as well as several dozen arrests. Protesters are consolidating their areas of control over Bogota, and are still in the streets in Bucaramanga and Medellin.


Cristian Andres Hurtado

Christian Andres Hurtado was a protester shot dead by police early on in the protests, whose funeral was yesterday. A massive demonstration occurred at his funeral in Soacha, against the police, and the government’s inaction against brutality.


The protests in Bogota have adopted a different nature, while still keeping their anti-police sentiment. After the sexual assault of 3 women in a CAI (police substation), many (anarcha-)feminist groups have taken to the streets against the police and their exploitation of women that they arrest.

Additionally, indigenous protesters in Suba (a northern area of Bogota) are preparing for an influx of military police who have been filmed en route there.


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