About 50 Black bloc protesters in Washington D.C. gathered to demonstrate against police brutality in the city, calling for the abolition of the DCPD. The police department has recently received much criticism for their handling of the murder of 18-year-old Deon Kay, upon which there was a lack of investigation.
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Dozens of protesters marched in Elizabeth City for a 5th day following the police murder of Andrew Brown, who was shot in the head by police with assault rifles near his home. Demonstrators blocked roads and moved through wealthy neighborhoods to continue to try to place pressure on the city government to release the body cameras.
Protesters in Antofagasta took to the streets, burning barricades and blocking roads in a round of demonstrations in support of prisoners of the revolt in Chile, demanding the immediate release and a general pardon for all convictions made with the 18th of October Uprising.
Around 300 protesters took to the streets of the Lichtenburg borough of Berlin against gentrification, marginalization, and evictions, following the destruction of the houseless camp on Rummelsburger Bay in which its residents were forced out and had many of their belongings destroyed.
Over 2000 people gathered at Syntagma Square in front of Parliament in Athens in solidarity with the Dimitris Koufontinas hunger strike, leaving police extremely confused after being undermanned due to claims that the demonstration had been hastily unplanned. Protesters marched through Omonia to Exarcheia before later dispersing.