Hundreds of protesters marched in downtown Brooklyn, demanding an end to evictions and the canceling of rent. Demonstrators marched to 26 Court St. the office of eviction lawyers, with many entering inside and others remaining outside. The NYPD responded by attacking protesters, making a total of 19 arrests.
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Anarchists in Thessaloniki gathered in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, a former member of the Greek communist 17 November group who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens where he would receive better medical care and access to visitors.
Demonstrators for Revolution Now in Nigeria took to the streets in Abuja on the 8th of October to protest the political elite […]
Masked insurgents in Wallmapu, near Chamichaco, engaged in a gunfight with Winka (non-Mapuche) police, with several banner drops occurring and vehicles being […]
Hundreds of protesters gathered in Plaza Dignidad for a national mobilization demanding the release of political prisoners. Intense clashes occurred with police, who were repulsed from the area several times by angry crowds while trying to disperse the protesters, who finally left after nightfall arrived.