250 million workers joined the All-India General Strike, making it the largest in human history, with protests occurring all over the country. Over 300 groups, including the communist parties of India, aided the organization of the strike.
Protests were also held across Jammu and Kashmir, which has been under a virtual government-imposed lockdown for over a year and repressive government policies have made mobilizing extremely difficult.
Prior to the strike, a protest had also occurred to rally up the people of Kochbihar district in West Bengal.
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Over 100 protesters in Ioannina marched against police repression in universities, enabled by a law passed by the Ministry of Education which allows police back into campuses for the first time since the fall of the military dictatorship decades ago.
Around 120 protesters in New York City marched to demand the abolition of ICE on the anniversary of the agency’s murder of Erick Diaz-Cruz, who was unarmed and shot in the face through his hand. Demonstrators crossed the Brooklyn Bridge to the New York State Attorney General’s office, where condemnations of the murder were given by speakers.
Lebanese demonstrators blocked the Eliah intersection in Beirut and the Khaldeh highway, placing barricades and burning tires to protest the government’s mishandling of hyperinflation and soaring gas prices.
Dozens of members of the Anarchist Political Organization gathered at the municipal doctor’s office of Kypseli, a neighborhood of Athens, to demand free food, housing, education, and healthcare for all. Protesters dropped a banner at the site and distributed leaflets in the area to avoid contact with police.
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