Over 100,000 Indian farmers gathered in Barnala, Punjab State, to protest against the 3 neoliberal farm bills passed by the BJP government led by Narendra Modi, which would liberalize the market and remove a price guarantee that farmers require in order to survive on the little they make from agriculture.
Dozens of protesters across the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu took to the streets with students and youth in West Bengal who were brutally attacked by police during a march to the State Secretariat.
Hundreds of protesters from across West Bengal went on strike and blocked roads in support of the Indian students and youth attacked during a demonstration demanding more employment and education opportunities at the West Bengal State Secretariat.
Tens of thousands of youth and students marched to the State Secretariat of Kolkata, the capital of the State of West Bengal, to decry the policies of the state government and in support of more education and job opportunities for the youth. Police brutally attacked the demonstration, making 42-500 arrests and leaving around 38-100 hospitalized.
Thousands of communists and protesters gathered in the Sindri neighborhood of Bandwan in West Bengal, demanding the scrapping of the 3 anti-farmer laws passed by the right-wing BJP government and to ensure fair & corruption free job recruitment for the youths of Bengal.
Around 400 Indian feminists and members of womens' organizations gathered in front of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation, demanding equal pay for equal work, womenās safety & other related issues. Police cracked down on the peaceful demonstration, making several arrests and injuries.
Hundreds of thousands of peasants and farmers stormed the capital of Delhi, clashing with police and occupying the Mughal-era Red Fort monument for the first time in the modern history of India. Although police began to use metal poles against protesters instead of wooden batons, and seemingly unending in their brutality, it was simply impossible to contain the Kisans who received local support.
Thousands of farmers in the Khammam District of Telangana State participated in a massive march in solidarity with the Farmers Protest road to Delhi, giving speeches and making decisions to further coordinate the Naxalite movement in the greater Hyderabad area, a historic communist stronghold.
Maharashtra farmers waving communist flags marched from Nasik to the megacity of Mumbai to protest against Narendra Modi's new farm law and in solidarity with the farmers converging on Delhi a few days later. Demonstrators then arrived at the Azad Maidan for a mass rally against the law, before dispersing afterward.
Protesters gathered in the District of Bihar against the anti-farmer law proposed by the Indian government that caused massive demonstrations and a March to Delhi campaign nationwide. Anti-government activists burnt copies of the law, with a few also making stick figures made of the paper copies and burning them at the stake.
Thousands of Indian farmers continued to approach Delhi in a national mobilization against Modi and his attempted deregulation of the farming industry. Thousands with tents were seen moving down the Meerut-Delhi expressway, and police assaulted those attempting to do the same in Patna.
Indian farmers on the road to Delhi continued their protests, clashing with police who attempted to barricade the border. Peasants at the border of Bajpur drove tractors through the police line, forcing it to open, and Maharashtra farmers at the Shahjahanpur border banged pots and pans against Narendra Modi during his negotiation address.
Over a thousand employees rioted at a manufacturing factory in Kolar, near Bengaluru in the state of Hyderabad, where there were allegations of underpayment and wage cuts. The office of the Wistron company was completely destroyed, which creates iPhone 7 products for Apple. Police then arrived on the scene, dispersing protesters, who continued the strike but fled the scene.
250 million workers joined the All-India General Strike, making it the largest in human history, with protests occurring all over the country. Over 300 groups, including the communist parties of India, aided the organization of the strike.
Farmers’ protests continue against 3 pro-corporate laws passed by the ruling conservative BJP party, during the All-India General Strike that over 250 million have joined, making it the largest in human history. Farmers broke through key barricades in Haryana, arriving at several border points, and preparing for a further march to Delhi. Farmers’ protests continue against 3 pro-corporate laws passed […]