Hundreds of thousands of peasants and farmers stormed the capital of Delhi, clashing with police and occupying the Mughal-era Red Fort monument for the first time in the modern history of India. Although police began to use metal poles against protesters instead of wooden batons, and seemingly unending in their brutality, it was simply impossible to contain the Kisans who received local support.
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Hundreds of protesters gathered in the small town of Armenia, demanding the immediate withdrawal of the privatization of hospitals/healthcare and the Tributary Reform in Colombia, which would increase taxes on basic goods and services. Police attacked a 2nd crowd which had gathered at a local toll, using tear gas to disperse the peaceful demonstration.
Youth in Beirut burned barricades and cut off the ring bridge to demand an improvement in living conditions, following the collapse of Lebanon’s economy as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and warehouse explosion that decimated the country’s capital in August.
Protesters in Washington D.C. engaged in highway blockade to mark the 150th day of demonstrations in the city since the start of […]
Around 200 protesters in Montreal gathered for a demonstration on the 25th international day against police brutality, demanding the abolition of the police and capitalism. Unlike previous years, no arrests occurred even in spite of a heavy police buildup in the area.