Hundreds of thousands of peasants and farmers stormed the capital of Delhi, clashing with police and occupying the Mughal-era Red Fort monument for the first time in the modern history of India. Although police began to use metal poles against protesters instead of wooden batons, and seemingly unending in their brutality, it was simply impossible to contain the Kisans who received local support.
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Hundreds of protesters in Khartoum gathered on the 2-year-anniversary of the Khartoum Massacre, in which Sudanese security forces killed over 128 demonstrators and raped several dozen in 2019. Barricades were placed and tires were burned, before police and the military arrived, killing 2 participants and injuring dozens of others.
Protesters across Chile took to the streets calling for the freedom of political prisoners that have been put in jail by the state, some since the start of the October Rebellion, from Valparaiso to Santiago. Many banner drops also occurred in smaller cities, that would have had a smaller protest population.
Hundreds of demonstrators in Antofagasta returned to the streets demanding the immediate amnesty for the political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising in Chile, setting barricades across the city and blockading roads as the country moves into the 2nd day of the national mobilization demanding the resignation of the current president.
Protesters gathered in the dozens in Portland to demand justice for Tete Gulley, a black trans woman found hanging from a tree on 27 May 2019. Protesters listened to speeches before marching on 82nd Avenue, and then dispersing, with many prominent activists present in the demonstration including Demetria Hester.