Maharashtra farmers waving communist flags marched from Nasik to the megacity of Mumbai to protest against Narendra Modi’s new farm law and in solidarity with the farmers converging on Delhi a few days later. Demonstrators then arrived at the Azad Maidan for a mass rally against the law, before dispersing afterward.
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Thousands turned out for a 3rd day of mobilizations in Bangkok against the Thai monarchy and Prime Minister Prayut, a general who took power in a coup and is largely held responsible for the lack of access to vaccines in the country. Brutal police repression ensued, in which many were injured and one man lost his hand to a flashbang grenade.
Greek anarchists dropped a banner at a supermarket in Patras, promoting feminist initiatives during the pandemic, saying “The fight against gender inequality cannot be put under quarantine. Lockdown the patriarchy, power, and capital!”.
Tens of thousands of protesters in Bogota returned to the streets for a 2nd day of demonstrations as part of a general strike against neoliberalism in Colombia and the Tributary Reform, which would put in place a tax hike on basic goods and services such as utilities including water and electricity.
Anarchists and antifascist allies demonstrated outside of the Democratic Party of Oregon, writing ‘SHAME’ and the Three Arrows symbol on the front […]