Hundreds of Chileans in Panguipulli Burn Municipal Buildings After Police Murder Street Artist

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Panguipulli in response to the police murder of Francisco Martínez, also known as El Pancho, a street artist who juggled fake machetes and was murdered by police for not having an ID. Several public buildings went up in flames by the end of the night, as police refused to provide justice for the murder of the young man.

WARNING: Sensitive images to the right

Via Paola Dragnic, Radio Kurruf, Resumen, Radio Villa Francia, & FPVR Prensa

Protesters first began to place barricades at the site of the murder, with a large crowd quickly gathering and chanting “Murderers!” at Carabineros nearby.

Police then began to shoot tear gas at protesters and arriving with armored vehicles to counter the angry crowd.

After Carabineros retreated and holed up inside their headquarters, youth torched the municipality office and several other government buildings.

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