Mapuche people in Panguipulli demonstrated against the construction of several dams in Mafil, of Los Lagos stating that the government had ignored their pleads not to develop on their traditional land. Over 100 people attended the march in the village, condemning state intervention in historical Wallmapu.
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Protesters in Miami participated in the weekly South Beach March for Black Lives, traveling through the city’s island coastline.
Hundreds of Palestinians in Umm al-Fahm in the northern West Bank rioted with Molotov cocktails, petrol bombs, and other explosives after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) shot and killed 22-year-old Muhammad Nasser Agbaria while he was parking his car in an anti-violence protest. The IDF deployed water cannons against the protesters, making 4 arrests.
Hundreds of port workers in San Antonio took to the streets to demand the government passage of a 3rd withdrawal of 10% of pension funds in effective cash for their recipients. Demonstrators set tires and barricades alight and blocked roads until the arrival of riot police, who used tear gas and chemically tainted water cannons on the crowd.
Around 100 protesters gathered in Washington D.C. for the weekly Fuck the Police March organized by the They/Them Collective, an anarchist group […]