Protesters took to the streets in Indianapolis after a grand jury refused to charge the officer who murdered Dreasjon Reed, marching downtown in the hundreds. Many militias were also present in Indianapolis, expecting widespread unrest and appearing ready to kill protesters if necessary to protect private property.
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Protesters in Naameh, a majority Sunni Muslim city in Lebanon, took to the streets demanding the resignation of the government over its failure to handle hyperinflation and soaring gas prices. Demonstrators blocked roads using barricades and burning tires, pressuring the authorities to act with competence.
Washington D.C. anarchists took to the streets in a black bloc march numbering in the hundreds. Multiple clashes occurred with the police, […]
Protesters in Athens gathered to demonstrate against the closure of the Keramikos Health Center, a public doctors’ practice that served the community and was ordered to shut down by the government. In spite of a heavy police buildup at the site, no arrests were made.
Lebanese university students marched in Beirut demanding the overturning of the increase of tuition and the dollarization of fees, moving through Hamra, as well as LAU and Haigazian universities. The military responded by tear-gassing the students, leading to widespread looting and fires across the Hamra neighborhood of Beirut.