Protesters took to the streets again on the night of the 11th to demand justice for Dreasjon Reed, after a grand jury ruled his killer cop innocent. More than 100 demonstrators marched across downtown, demanding the arrest and charging of Reed’s murderer. No clashes occurred between police and protesters, even though there was still a substantial militia presence in the city.
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Anarchists in Montevideo, Uruguay, launched an attack against a police station with Molotov cocktails, starting a fire that permanently damaged the front of the police center.
Hundreds of Panamanian workers under the SUNTRACS trade union went on strike across the country for a day of national protest demanding salary during quarantine and food for all, including minors and students. Several confrontations occurred with police, but none ultimately resulted in arrests.
Hundreds of protesters in Pasto took to the streets as part of the 4th day of a general strike in Colombia in opposition to the Tributary Reform, which would increase taxes on basic goods and services, as well as against the privatization of healthcare and hospitals. Demonstrators took down the statue of Antonio Nariño in the city center and were then attacked by police who shot tear gas and later militarized the city.
Hundreds of protesters in Zaragoza gathered in solidarity with Pablo Hasel, a left-wing Catalan rapper arrested for criticizing the monarchy of Spain and supporting the former revolutionary ETA Basque organization.