Chileans Mobilize Across Santiago Against Piñera and for the Freedom of Political Prisoners

Thousands of Chileans mobilized across the capital city of Santiago demanding the freedom of political prisoners and the resignation of President Sebastian Piñera, with several clashes occurring throughout the day and spontaneous demonstrations beginning in many parts of the city.

Protesters first began by dropping a banner at the Irrarazabal Metro for the amnesty of political prisoners. Others also protested in front of the Grecia Metro, calling for prison abolition.

Protesters also placed a barricade at the Departamental Avenue, which runs through Santiago.

The first protesters meanwhile began to arrive at the Allende monument to demand freedom for political prisoners and the resignation of Piñera.

Other protesters then arrived at the Macul & Grecia intersection at the outskirts of the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences and burned a barricade in rejection of the privatization and gentrification of education.

Workers and students also protested at the striking Barros Luco hospital in Santiago, calling for the amnesty of political prisoners. The Paulo Freire school also went on strike and dropped a banner.

It was noted by many demonstrators and journalists that the center of Santiago was completely fenced off by government authorities in preparation for the day of national protests.

The first protesters began on their way through the Alameda to the Republica Metro, carrying a guillotine to the presidential palace.

Hundreds of protesters continued their advance to the Presidential Palace, running into a contingent of Carabineros who began deploying chemical tear gas at the demonstration to the Republica Metro.

As Carabineros arrived in the Barrio Republica sector, many youths began to throw rocks at their riot vans and pushed their vehicles out of the area.

Protesters also began to move in the hundreds from Los Héroes towards the presidential palace in a separate march.

Strong clashes began to occur at the intersection between the Alameda and the campus of the University of Chile, with chemical water covering the floor.

Protesters were in intense clashes with Carabineros just 1 block away from the Presidential Palace along the Alameda.

Protesters eventually beat back the Carabinero units, but the victory was short-lived as reinforcements quickly arrived to support the fleeing riot police. Chemical water cannons were again used on demonstrators who were forced to flee the scene after being burned and tear-gassed.

Protesters meanwhile gathered in the Puente Alto suburb of the Metropolitan Region, demanding the release of political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising, while clashes continued in the San Antonio area of Santiago.

3 Transantiago buses were burnt at the Alameda & Las Rejas intersection at the Central Station.

The final round of protests popped up at Station 25 in Santa Rosa, with protesters burning a barricade before being hit by a chemical water cannon and tear gas deployed by the Carabineros.

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