Dozens of protesters gathered outside of the Maximum Security Prison of Chile, demanding total amnesty of political prisoners of the 18th of October Uprising. They also demanded that the state respect Article 169 on the freedom of indigenous peoples, and an immediate restitution of visits to prisoners who have been kept in isolation under the excuse of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Thousands of protesters flooded the Iraqi city of Nasiriyah, meeting at Al-Haboubi Square the day after nationalist and Islamist militias known as Sadrists burned the square and killed 5 people. Iranian militias and Sadrists later attacked the protesters, killing several via what appeared to be grenade launchers and assault rifles.
About 150 protesters gathered in front of the ICE facility in Portland to demand the abolition of the agency created in 2002, whose dismantling would legally be within Biden’s direct jurisdiction. DHS & Portland Police attacked the demonstration, using incredibly toxic amounts of the possibly carcinogenic HC tear gas, and making targeted arrests of medics and press.
Thousands of protesters in Barcelona marched to demand the release of Pablo Hasel, a left-wing Catalan rapper arrested and facing charges for criticizing the Spanish monarchy. Many ATMs and banks were destroyed/broken into, and a police vehicle was set on fire as well.
Dozens of protesters in El Quisco took to the streets in condemnation of the police murder of a Chilean street artist in the city of Panguipulli; the crowd gathered in front of the local police station, setting fires and throwing rocks at the building.