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Protesters in Chile on the 16th took to the streets in anticipation of the anniversary of the 2019 protests that began on […]
A student strike in Greece began following the opening of schools in Greece, leading to the occupation of over 700 schools over 35 cities and towns all across the country to create a national e-learning curriculum instead of teachers and students alike needing to go in person to learn and face infection and possible death.
Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Tarragona to demand freedom for Pablo Hasel, a left-wing rapper from Catalonia arrested and facing charges for insulting the Bourbon royal family of Spain. Demonstrators clashed with police, who fired tear gas in response to the placing of barricades by youth.
On the 5th of October, at around 1 A.M., another demonstration took place against police, albeit far smaller. Police violently assaulted protesters, and then left after realizing that the situation would not escalate without their presence.