Hundreds of Irish protesters gathered in Balbriggan, north of Dublin, against the murder of George Nkencho by the Gardaí. Demonstrators called for a criminal investigation into the officer who shot the 27-year-old Nigerian immigrant 5 times, as well as the halting of the practice of police taking down protesters’ names.
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Around 2000 protesters took to the streets of Thessaloniki in opposition to the management of the pandemic, with the military and police overfunded in Greece as ICU beds continue to fill up and the healthcare system becomes quickly overwhelmed due to underfunding.
Hundreds of students, teachers, and allies gathered at Georgiou Square and marched across Patras to demand the end of a bill proposed by right-wing Minister of Education Niki Kerameos, widely despised in Greek progressive circles as a reactionary figure.
Hundreds gathered in Bogota for a memorial protest in honor of Dilan Cruz, a university student killed in the 2019 protests in Colombia. Demonstrators marched down the commercial sector of the city, running into police during the march. The two sides clashed, with protesters cursing out the police as they left, appearing unwilling to fight.
Demonstrators in Seattle gathered in protest of the sweep of Cal Anderson Park by police, attempting to stop the department from destroying the property of the unhoused. Police responded with brutality, causing several injuries and arresting a total of 21 people. Most of the belongings of the unhoused people of the park were seen thrown in dumpsters.