Protesters in New York’s Washington Square Park gathered in the hundreds to protest rapidly rising inequality due to the pandemic, and the lack of defunding that the NYPD has received. They demanded that halting of layoffs by big corporations such as Disney, more taxes on the rich to restabilize wealth, and the defunding of New York police.
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Thousands of French antifascists in Strasbourg took to the streets against the Global Security Law, and ran into a group of fascists […]
Tens of thousands of protesters in Buenos Aires marched for clean water, enough food for soup kitchens, and a universal basic income to be provided by the government of Argentina for the unemployed and informal workers making less than the stipulated minimum wage.
Around 75 protesters in Portland gathered at the Justice Center for a demonstration demanding the abolition of ICE, an agency created alongside DHS in 2001 to patrol the southern border, a task marred with allegations of human rights violations and atrocities committed.
Around 1000 protesters took to the streets in 3 sites across Berlin on the 1st anniversary of the Hanau Massacre, a mass shooting perpetrated by a member of the far-right who targeted shisha bars and murdered 11 people.