Defend Europe organized a protest in Grenoble to ban or extremely limit immigration, with Lyon Antifa responding by holding a counterprotest of over 1,000 people that successfully pushed them out of the city. Some clashes occurred, but most was only between Defend Europe and Antifa.
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Diaspora Guineans and allies turned out in Paris and London in support of the protests going on back in their home country against Alpha Conde, the sitting president who many claim won his third term through election rigging, in which more than 15 people have been killed in protests.
Protesters continue to take to the streets to turn out the vote for a national plebiscite to change the constitution that remains since Pinochet created it. Many protests and clashes occurred in Plaza Dignidad, with police using water cannons and frequently fighting with protesters.
Hundreds gathered a few blocks away from the wake of Francisco Martínez, the Panguipulli street artist murdered by police, to protest against state brutality and repression. Carabineros responded with heavy usage of chemical weapons used on demonstrators and would go on to attack the wake itself, causing massive chaos in the area.
Dozens of workers at the Total refinery in France entered a 15th day of striking and attempting to halt access to the facility in protest against the company’s conversion plans, which trade unions estimate will lead to 700 layoffs.