21st of September General Strike in Colombia

Table of Contents

spaceAnti-Uribista Protests
spaceAnti-RCN Protests
spaceSolidarity Protest in Toronto
Indigenous Protests

The general strike announced on the 21st of September in Colombia continues the month-long revolution against the current government and its brutal practices against peasants, farmers, and the working class.


Protests have resurged due to the general strike being declared, specifically in Bogota but in other areas too.

Anti-Uribista Protests

Uribe, the former president of Colombia, has been arrested on charges of bribery and manipulation during the trials of right-wing paramilitaries for murder. He had previously been involved in the False Positives scandal, in which disabled people were murdered by soldiers and then turned in as FARC insurgents in exchange for bonuses.

Anti-RCN Protests

RCN, a Colombian news network, has repeatedly referenced that the ELN, a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group, has been behind the protests. These claims have been repeatedly debunked, although the network continues to push the conspiracy theory. Protesters have now taken to the streets against the corporation’s falsehoods.

Toronto Solidarity Protest

A solidarity demonstration took place in Toronto on the 21st, declaring attendees allies of the revolution going on in Colombia, and condemning the Canadian government for participating in the Colombian war on drugs.

Indigenous Uprising

Indigenous people have themselves started an uprising against state corruption and brutality against indigenous activists, of whom ~100 were killed in the past year. The state has also been involved in corruption scandals that included taking away land from indigenous people to give to sugarcane billionaires.

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