Anti-Government Protesters Clash With Police in Tunis

Hundreds of protesters in Tunis gathered to demand the release of jailed activists, an increase in living conditions and employment opportunities for youth and married women, who in recent times have been removed from the public recruitment list. Demonstrators marched from Ettadhamen, the poorest city in the capital, waving signs with socialist slogans, red stars, and anarchist symbols.

Police blocked the march from arriving at the Assembly of People’s Representatives at the Bardo area, deploying tear gas and assaulting protesters, making 1 arrest. Some of the crowd headed downtown to Bourguiba Avenue but were again blocked at Rue de Marseille, at which point the demonstration ended.

Via Ghaya Ben Mbarek, The Godfather, Blaise Lilia, Manuel Picard, RƠbƩb Aloui, & Fadil Aliriza

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