Thousands of protesters in Bogota marched on International Workers’ Day for the 4th day of a general strike in opposition to an increase in taxes of basic goods and services and the privatization of hospitals in Colombia. Police attacked the demonstration, leading to clashes that occurred throughout the day.
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Thousands of protesters across several sites in Athens marched against police brutality, lately and frequently seen after a college student was beaten for no particular reason in a park and a university occupation was invaded by plainclothes officers.
Dozens in the greater Concepción area protested after the police murder of a street juggler in Panguipulli, clashing with police, placing barricades, and banging pots and pans across the city to make noise in a scene of solidarity with other cities protesting across Chile.
Police in Athens brutally assaulted over 100 protesters demonstrating in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, an imprisoned former member of the 17 November left-wing urban guerilla who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his return to the Korydallos prison, where he will once again be able to see family and friends. Tear gas, flashbang grenades, and even the rare water cannons were deployed to contain a small crowd of people.
Anarchists and other abolitionists turned out in a crowd of 150 people against the police, marching through BLM Plaza and other parts […]