Thousands of Tunisians returned to the streets 10 years after the Arab Spring, demanding change to the country’s endemic corruption and lack of social services to fit the needs of the people and those in renewed poverty as a result of the COVID pandemic. Despite widespread police repression with tear gas and beatings, protesters held strong in many cities across the country.
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The Notimex Workers’ Union in Mexico City entered the 307th day of the strike that began with allegations of labor terrorism, human rights violations, contempt of workers’ rights laws, and, eventually, exposures of workers to COVID-19. Strikers stated their willingness to negotiate with the corporation, but have not received any word back.
Over 100 protesters in the Greek island of Corfu took to the streets against police repression and state authoritarianism after police brutality in Nea Smyrni against a student in a park and the invasion of a student university occupation in Thessaloniki.
October Protest Wrapup
Indigenous People’s Day protests were planned as part of a 3-consecutive day event involving 1492 Land Back Lane, the Indigenous Day of Rage, and now the Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead of Columbus Day, which is criticized by many for venerating a colonizer and a genocidal architect.