Leftists in Bern dropped a banner at the Greek Embassy in Switzerland in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, a former member of the November 17 revolutionary group who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens which would give better medical treatment of his conditions and the ability to see visitors.
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Thousands turned out for a 3rd day of mobilizations in Bangkok against the Thai monarchy and Prime Minister Prayut, a general who took power in a coup and is largely held responsible for the lack of access to vaccines in the country. Brutal police repression ensued, in which many were injured and one man lost his hand to a flashbang grenade.
Dozens of protesters in the La Pintana commune of Santiago gathered to protest on the Day of the Youth Combatant, placing barricades and burning a bus at the site.
McDonalds workers in Chicago went on strike to demand a $15 minimum wage, an increase in PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and a union for all. McDonalds and its franchises have been widely criticized for their union-busting practices, which sometimes are harsher than many other multinational corporations.
An Abolish Homelessness demonstration was held at ~3:00 P.M. in New York, around 53rd St. and 7th Ave. The goals of the protesters were to house the homeless with the empty hotels that exist all around the city, with no guests amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 11 protesters were arrested inside of the Sheraton hotel, and are expected to be released later.