Hundreds Take to the Streets of Santiago After Panguipulli Street Artist is Murdered by Police

Hundreds of Chileans took to the streets across Santiago the day after the police murder of a street juggler in Panguipulli. Demonstrators gathered at several areas, including Pudahuel, Plaza Ñuñoa, Puente Alto, and Maipú, clashing with police and burning government structures.

Via JuanPalma303, Markito, Paola Dragnic, Cartago TV, revolucion.fotografica, Prensa Estudiantil, & Primera Línea Revolucionaria Chile

Hundreds gathered at Plaza Ñuñoa in Santiago, waving Mapuche flags and hoisting banners reading ‘Street art is not a crime!’ and other slogans. Police arrived on the scene, deploying water cannons although being repeatedly pushed out by the angry crowd.

Dozens of protesters also clashed with police at the Protectora de la Infancia metro in Puente Alto, throwing rocks at Carabineros and later setting a bus on fire.

Protesters also assembled at Maipú Plaza, clashing with police and burning a security station in the square.

Barricades were also placed across the city, including many metro stations, neighborhoods, and roads that had not had any demonstrations.

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