Dozens of protesters gathered in the Chilean city of Talagante after a femicide occurred that morning, with demonstrators facing off with police and demanding justice to be exacted against the perpetrator. A banner was also unfurled during the march, reading “Quien ama no mata, no humilla, ni maltrata”.
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Anarchists in Montevideo, Uruguay, launched an attack against a police station with Molotov cocktails, starting a fire that permanently damaged the front of the police center.
Activists from Shut Down DC gathered to protest against Trump, calling for his impeachment and expulsion from the White House and presidency. They were trailed by more police than there were protesters, while only carrying 2 banners and seemingly presenting no threat of violence.
Thousands of students in Paris marched to demand a right to the future, criticizing the terrible management of education during the COVID pandemic in France and the older generations’ failure to deal with climate change which will cause massive damage to the future of humanity.
Police in Athens brutally assaulted over 100 protesters demonstrating in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, an imprisoned former member of the 17 November left-wing urban guerilla who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his return to the Korydallos prison, where he will once again be able to see family and friends. Tear gas, flashbang grenades, and even the rare water cannons were deployed to contain a small crowd of people.