Sporadic Protests Occur All Over Belarus

Protests occurred all over Belarus as an anniversary of the killings of several poets by the Soviet Union in 1937, with demonstrations taking place in nearly a dozen cities, mostly family gatherings and small friend groups showing solidarity against the Lukashenko regime.


Babryusk protesters commemorated the killings of political dissidents by the Soviet Union in forests.



Belarusian State University Strike

Teachers and students at the Belarusian State Medical University went on strike in support of the protests.


Loshitsa Park

Moscow Ring Road


Pritytstky Street

Student Strike

Several high schools went on strike in Minsk in solidarity with the protests across the country, with 79 students expelled this week.

Timiryazev Street

It was noted in Timiryazev Street that the power went out several times at the same time that explosions were sighted hundreds of miles away.



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