Portland Protest 121 took place on the night of October 6, 2020, consisting of a black bloc coalition from both the anti-ICE and Black Lives Matter crowds. They were repeatedly assaulted by police, and were confronted and tear-gassed heavily by federal agents not bound by the same rules as the local cops. Credits to Sergio Olmos for footage.
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50 protesters marched in the Chania neighborhoods of Ai-Giannis, Lentariana, and Amperia, in solidarity with the Rosa Nera squat occupied by Greek police. Demonstrators stenciled graffiti, pasted posters, and chanted slogans to a positive response from the community which was very intertwined with pre-occupation Rosa Nera.
Dozens of protesters took to the streets of the Chilean town of Melipilla in condemnation of the police murder of a street artist in Panguipulli for the offense of failing to provide his ID on time. Demonstrators marched through the city and burned barricades on the commune’s entrance to disrupt activity in the area.
Blockades of the Panamerican highway in Peru by farmers continued amid fears of a government crackdown as police began to march from Chincha to Ica, the center of the strikes against pro-business laws and deregulation of the agro-exporting business.
Hundreds of protesters in Pasto took to the streets in opposition to the regime of Ivan Duque Marquez and the Tributary Reform, a law that would levy taxes on basic goods and services for the lower class of Colombia. Police attacked the peaceful demonstration, using water cannons and tear gas.