Thousands Protest in Paris On Anniversary of Triple Murder of Kurdish Activists by Turkish Agent

Thousands of Kurds took to the streets in Paris, demanding justice on the 18th anniversary of the triple murders of pro-PKK Kurdish activists in France, who were all found shot in the head execution-style. Many suspect that the MİT ([Turkish] National Intelligence Organization) was to blame for the murders, including French authorities themselves, who later caught the 34-year-old Ömer Güney, a maintenance worker in the Charles de Gaulle airport, with substantial evidence.

Video cameras at the site of the murder show that Güney was inside the building between 00:11 and 00:56 when the deaths occurred, and gunpowder was later found in his bag. Technical investigations were performed on his Nokia mobile phone and experts decrypted it and restored deleted files. They found images taken the day before (January 8) establishing that he was in the premises of a Kurdish association in Villers-le-Bel between 4:23 and 5:33 in the morning and took pictures of 329 memberships files. A few months after these murders, an audio recording between Ömer Güney and suspected MIT agents was released on the Internet. Güney also had hundreds of pictures of Kurdish activists in his mobile phone.

Credits to Vedat Bingol.

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