Thousands of demonstrators across Iran took to the streets against the Islamic Republic government and the Ayatollah, in a movement sparked by water shortages in the Arab province of Khuzestan. Police deployed live rounds against protesters, killing one, and crowds in several areas bombed police cars, burned tanks, and destroyed security cameras.
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Riot police in the city of Concepción brutally cracked down on protesters who gathered after the police murder of a street artist in Panguipulli for failing to present his ID. Water cannons and tear gas were deployed as well as a contingent of Carabineros on foot, who made brutal arrests and assaults of protesters.
Demonstrators gathered in the thousands in the northern and central cities of Iquique and Talca against the Piñera presidency, demanding an immediate resignation of the current government. Mapuche flags were raised, with the status of the indigenous people within Chile being a contending issue within the current political climate of the country.
About 150 protesters marched on the ICE facility in Portland to demand the immediate abolition of the agency, which new President Biden has expressed his opposition to doing. Demonstrators were horrifically attacked with chemical weapons and munitions, including tear gas, pepper balls, TC gas (a deadlier form of tear gas and possible carcinogen), and many other forms of assault.
Over 900 students gathered in Thessaloniki in a mostly spontaneous demonstration, demanding the repeal of a law that brought police back to university campuses across Greece for the first time since the fall of the military dictatorship in 1974. Despite confrontations occurring after the protesting students were blocked from entering campus, no arrests were made.