A student strike in Greece began following the opening of schools in Greece, leading to the occupation of over 700 schools over 35 cities and towns all across the country to create a national e-learning curriculum instead of teachers and students alike needing to go in person to learn and face infection and possible death.
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Demonstrators for Black Trans and Asian Lives took to the streets on the 12th of October to protest the persecution of black, transgender, and Asian people in the city. Protesters marched through Brooklyn and did not engage in any clashes with police.
Hundreds gathered in the Colombian capital city of Bogotá/Bacata, marching from the Memorial Center for all those killed by police abuse in the country. Many mourned the 13 people killed in less than 24 hours during the September Riots this year in Colombia.
Hundreds of protesters returned to the streets of Girona to demand freedom and amnesty for Pablo Hasel, a left-wing Catalan rapper facing charges for criticizing the monarchy of Spain, the Bourbon royal family. Demonstrators burned barricades and clashed with police, who attempted unsuccessfully to quell the gathering.
Protesters in Quito demonstrated against a deal between the government and the IMF, in which the Ecuador would earn a $6.5 billion credit, and to make sure it would be payed back, the sales tax would be increased from 12 to 15%. This sparked rioting in the capital, with police unable to suppress the tens of thousands who took to the streets.