Soma workers from Uyar, in the district of Manisa, began a march to Ankara after they were unpaid for their work, starting on the 12th of October. They arrived at the outskirts of the city, and were attacked by police units who arrested 2 of their leaders, Kamil Kartal and Başaran Aksu.
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Pensioners and elders in Minsk gathered in the thousands for a march against the Lukashenko regime, with sporadic protests occurring in other places as well, including other areas of Minsk and banner drops too.
Hundreds of protesters in Liège gathered for a Black Lives Matter demonstration against racism perpetrated on African migrants in the country, which escalated into clashes with police who used water cannons and batons to attack the crowd which promptly began looting the area.
Hundreds of Chileans gathered in Santiago to protest against state terror perpetrated on Mapuche indigenous communities, after the family of an activist murdered by police was beaten and arrested at a border checkpoint. Demonstrators successfully repulsed Carabineros using water cannons, and held the central Plaza Dignidad for hours on end.
Greek anarchists in Heraklion dropped banners in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontina, an imprisoned former member of the revolutionary November 17 group who began a hunger strike demanding a transfer to a lower-security facility in the Athenian neighborhood of Piraeus.