Protesters Across Chile Commemorate Murder of Camilo Catrillanca

Demonstrators and allies across Chile commemorated the 2-year anniversary of the murder of Camilo Catrillanca, a Mapuche farmer, at the hands of Chilean police, in Temucuicui, in the area of Ercilla. Hundreds of protesters and friends marched on the site of his murder, where his tractor still lies, and condemned the lack of transparency in the Chilean government while handling his case.

Protest in Collico, 14th of November. Several hundred Mapuche turned out to the streets.
Demonstrators marching in Ercilla to the site of Catrillanca’s murder.
Protesters gather in Temucuicui, at the exact site where Catrillanca was murdered.
Mapuche demonstrators march down Valparaíso.
Protesters gathered in Valparaíso to commemorate the murder of Catrillanca.

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