Several protesters were killed in Islamabad after Pakistani police opened fire on striking government workers with expired tear gas bought from India. Many died in hospitals after the thousands pouring in caused a critical lack of oxygen and basic first aid for those injured by the expired tear gas which causes much more combustion and harm to the lungs.
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Riots broke out in the Kasserine province city of Sbeitla, following the death of a protester of injuries sustained when a police officer shot at his head with a tear gas canister. Demonstrators set the police station on fire and launched firecrackers at police, demanding justice for their murdered comrade-in-arms.
Portland protesters marched from Elizabeth Caruthers Park to the ICE facility in Portland, then tagging some areas of the complex with graffiti. […]
Around 45 protesters in Lamia marched in solidarity with the Dimitris Koufontinas hunger strike, demanding the Greek government accept the demands of the former member of 17N to be returned to his old cell at the Korydallos prison in Athens.
Hundreds of immigrants in Spain gathered at the Government Delegation in Madrid on International Migrants’ Day to protest against the collapse of the processing rate for immigration applications, calling on the government to have a more welcoming policy towards migrants.