Bikers took to the streets in Maipú, demanding more safety for bikers after several people died this month in Chile. Police proceeded to attack the demonstration with water cannons, injuring several protesters and arresting whichever ones that they came across.
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Dozens of protesters returned to the streets of Elizabeth City for a 9th day, demanding justice for Andrew Brown, a black man killed by police officers with assault rifles. Despite police arriving in the dozens with riot gear, protesters did not respond and dispersed without caving to the aggression presented by law enforcement.
Uruguayan anarchists in the city of Montevideo lit barricades in solidarity with all political prisoners as well as in remembrance of Mauricio […]
Hundreds of Panamanian workers continued to strike across the country to demand a $500 stimulus for all, full wages paid during quarantine, employment opportunities for the 7500 workers who have lost their jobs during the pandemic. Many also called for a moratorium on debt and rent, as well as the creation of interest-free loans.
Dozens of protesters marched in Larissa in solidarity with former 17N member Dimitris Koufontinas, who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens to get better access to medical care and the ability to see visitors.