Lebanese Protesters Return to Streets of Tripoli Demanding Increase in Living Conditions

Dozens of protesters in Tripoli returned to the streets to demand an increase in living conditions amid a 24-hour lockdown imposed by the Lebanese government, causing widespread anger among the lower class due to its stoppage of work, causing many to slip into poverty.

Protesters first gathered at the municipality of Tripoli in the morning, meeting a huge military buildup at al-Nour Square, before later dispersing until nightfall where dozens more gathered at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Demonstrators then marched back to the city’s Hezbollah headquarters and al-Nour Square, before the Lebanese army then clashed with youth in a suburb of the city, where demonstrations ended for the night.

Via Salman Andary, Hassan Obeid, أخبار الساحة, Wael, & عبد الرحمٰن السّيد

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