Hundreds of protesters gathered in the city of Hillah in a much larger demonstration than that of the previous day’s to demand the end of corruption in Iraq, as well as increased employment opportunities sponsored by the government. A police presence remained absent, as most riot forces were deployed to Nasiriyah and Baghdad.
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Dozens of protesters in Valparaiso gathered for a demonstration demanding justice for Francisco Martinez, a Panguipulli street juggler murdered by police. Chilean law enforcement, known as Carabineros, cracked down on the protest, using chemical weapons including tear gas and water cannons.
1,000 Portlanders attended a vigil in Vancouver for Kevin Peterson, remembering him and demanding justice against his killers. Right-wing agitators from Patriot Prayer armed with AR-15s arrived as well, assaulting protesters, as well as a Trump truck ramming through the crowd. After the vigil, protesters marched to Portland and the courthouse in Vancouver, being shot at twice by a Trump supporter.
Dozens of youth in Lebanon cut off the Jiyeh highway, Al Masnaa-Chtoura Road, and Dahr Al Baidar Road at the Jdita Junction, in solidarity with protesters in Tripoli demanding an increase in employment opportunities and living conditions.
Around 150-200 students gathered in front of the Propylaea in Athens to protest against a law passed by the Ministry of Education which would enable police to enter universities for the first time in 1975. The demonstration was forced to disperse, however, after police blocked anyone from entering the road.