Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of the Viña del Mar city in the Valparaiso metropolis on International Women’s Day, against government incompetence in combatting a rise in femicides as well as to demand safe and free abortions in all of Chile.
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Hundreds of protesters in Terrassa gathered to demand the release of Pablo Hasel, a left-wing Catalan rapper arrested for insulting the monarchy, and everyone arrested during demonstrations in his support. Police attacked the gathering, kettling the crowd and making several brutal arrests.
Tens of thousands of protesters returned to the streets across Algeria on the 2nd anniversary of the national Hirak movement’s birth, calling for the fall of the military establishment and chanting slogans in support of the indigenous Berber movement.
Dozens of protesters took to the streets of Elizabeth City for a 7th consecutive day, demanding justice for Andrew Brown, an unarmed Black man killed by police while driving away. Despite a heavy police presence, demonstrators remained peaceful, even following the deployment of several dozen heavily armed police officers.
Dozens of Athenians gathered in the area of Pedion Areos & Kypseli to protest in solidarity with migrants in Greece, marching to the front of the Turkish embassy to protest against the Erdogan regime’s involvement in war in Syria causing economic hardship for millions who have fled the country to countries as far away as Germany.