Hundreds of Japanese antifascists and progressives took to the streets in the Shibuya suburb of Tokyo after the murder of a homeless woman, demanding the end of violence on the poor and exclusion. Despite confrontations with police occurring, protesters did not disperse until the march was complete, with no arrests occurring.
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Thousands of protesters returned to the streets for a 5th consecutive day of demonstrations demanding freedom for Pablo Hasel, a Catalan rapper imprisoned for criticizing the Spanish monarchy. Windows were smashed and barricades were burned before dozens of riot police brutally kettled and assaulted the crowd.
Police in the El Codito neighborhood of Usaquén in Northern Bogota opened fire at a jitney van, or unlicensed transport service, full of people, killing one minor and injuring 2 others. Later in the day, hundreds of protesters gathered outside of the local CAI police substation and were then attacked by ESMAD riot police.
Hundreds of protesters in Tunis gathered to demand the release of jailed activists, an increase in living conditions and employment opportunities for youth and married women, who in recent times have been removed from the public recruitment list. Demonstrators marched from Ettadhamen, the poorest city in the capital, waving signs with socialist slogans, red stars, and anarchist symbols.
The No North Brooklyn Pipeline movement in North Brooklyn has continued to grow, with protesters demonstrating outside of the National Grid HQ […]