Protesters in Karditsa gathered at the office of New Democracy MP Giorgos Kotsos in support of demands put forward by Dimitris Koufontinas, a former member of 17N who has been on hunger strike since the 8th of January for a transfer to the Korydallos prison in Athens where he would get quality medical care and access to visitors.
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Health workers in San Bernardo, a commune in Greater Santiago, went on strike to demand greater funds to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. […]
Hundreds of protesters in Portland gathered at the Red House, owned by an Afro-indigenous family, who were being evicted by the PPB. Demonstrators attacked the police and sent them down Mississippi Avenue, deflating many police vehicles and smashing in their windows. Despite 7 arrests occurring, the Red House Autonomous Zone was formed by 3:00 P.M.
Hundreds of antifascists gathered in Salem to respond to a caravan organized by right-wingers to “Stop the Steal”, fighting with several people in cars, one of whom at one point pulled out and cocked a gun to intimidate protesters.
Hundreds of Brazilian protesters gathered in western Rio De Janeiro, after the police murder of a 38-year old black man and father of two, who was reportedly on his way to work. Roads there were blockaded for hours, and demonstrators remained until nightfall despite confrontations with government forces.