Hundreds of protesters marched in Berlin against the creation of a pan-European border security agency called Frontex and the state of the Moria refugee/concentration camp in the island of Lesbos, Greece.
Via PM Cheung
Hundreds of protesters marched in Berlin against the creation of a pan-European border security agency called Frontex and the state of the Moria refugee/concentration camp in the island of Lesbos, Greece.
Via PM Cheung
Hundreds of protesters gathered in Tunis to demand the release of all prisoners of the recent uprising in the country, as well as to demand economic sovereignty from European neocolonialism and the ruling class. Police attacked the demonstration, injuring and arresting several peaceful protesters in the crowd.
100 protesters gathered in Minneapolis for a New Year’s noise demo outside of prisons, following suit with dozens of other cities across the world. Confrontations with police occurred, with 21 people arrested and 12 booked at the protest.
Hundreds of protesters gathered in Santiago for the anniversary of the police murder of Mauricio Fredes in the 2019 protests, demanding justice for the fallen comrade. Police responded with intense repression, using water cannons, tear gas, and pepper spray indiscriminately against protesters and medics alike, but demonstrators remained firm and did not back off until the night.
Dozens of protesters in Coquimbo clashed with Chilean law enforcement, known as Carabineros, during a demonstration demanding police abolition after the death of a man in a police station and the murder of a street juggler in Panguipulli for failing to present his ID.