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Thousands of protesters returned to the streets of Port-au-Prince to demand the resignation of President Jovenel Moise, despised by many as subjecting Haiti to American and European neocolonialism and economic interests.
65 anarchists in Athens were arrested at a protest inside the Ministry of Health in solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas, who entered a hunger strike on the 8th of January to demand his transfer to the Korydallos Prison in Athens, where he could receive better medical care and access to visitors. Demonstrators called for his demands to be accepted rather than inducing the torture of force-feeding Koufontinas.
Residents of the autonomous and self-managed Prosfygika squat in central Athens dropped a banner in solidarity with N17 hunger striker Dimitris Koufontina, calling for the immediate acceptance of his demands to be moved to a prison with less security in Athens.
The Vogliamo Tutto e Per Tutti collective (We want everything for everyone) dropped banners in remembrance of the 12th year anniversary of […]